Most sincerely, we thank you for the support during the recent times! Your virtue is a motivation-plus for all of the crew of the BOSH FESTIVAL. We also express our gratitude for you showing off that the non-institutional initiatives within the fields of arts and culture are not to be perceived as costs only, but on the contrary, as a real investment and a benefit – a sign, and a level of social responsibility toward one’s immediate environment and community…
We carry on with our commitment, as of creating a better and a more beautiful, living space. A space, where the arts and culture will get their deserved place and expression. A space, which connects us, and is significant enough to all of us…
Hence as dreamers but also dedicated rationalists too, we are aware that our efforts greatly depend on the financial, as much as the material means at our disposal. Therefore, we plea to all of you goodhearted people, to support BOSH Festival financially and/or materially*. By doing so, you will too, engage concretely into the challenge of creating a more diverse, dynamic and accessible – respectively – a better developed, and of a higher quality, a cultural and artistic, ‘living environment’.
АРТ ЕКВИЛИБРИУМ – Гевгелија / ART EQUILIBRIUM – Gevgelija, Macedonia
Ж. с-ка / Acc. Num.: 210-0649768301-90
(НЛБ Тутунска Банка АД Скопје / NLB Tutunska Banka AD Skopje, MK)
* Subject to a contract agreement.